Friday, December 14, 2012

I am off to see the Rosie....

Tomorrow morning I leave to head to Bulgaria for our first required trip to meet Rosie.  Let me back up though and give you the story, because everyone who has adopted knows it didn't happen easily :)  Last week we were able through the generous gift of a friend take the whole crew to Disney World.  We had a blast!  The kids all behaved and the drive was fairly smooth, which is saying a lot for an 18 hour drive with 9 people.  Anyway before we left in late November, we were given permission to make travel plans, so the plan was Randy, the experienced traveler was going on this visit and we would both go to pick her up together for my first international travel experience.  We confirmed this with the agency and were given the go ahead, so we booked his ticket and prepared the kids that when we got home on Monday, Dad was leaving on Sat. for Bulgaria.  So we return Monday and Tuesday I emailed the agency to be sure we had all paperwork we needed.  The return email said that the orphanage was now afraid that Rosie would be uncomfortable meeting Randy alone so either I had to come or both of us had to.  So we realized that it would be too hard on the kids for both of us to get up and leave.  Some of our kids have issues with us leaving.  So Wed. we had to cancel Randy's ticket and book me a ticket.  Now I have NEVER been overseas, and I am a general nervous person, so this was scary news!!  I spend Wed. freaking out....Thursday I was more calm, today I have some nerves going on.  Here's the kicker....a few days before we went to Disney I prayed that God would take all my anxieties from me, that he would show me that I can be strong and courageous in all situations because I am leaning on him.  Yeah....starting to think its like praying for patience....all the culmination of my fears is coming together in a week...........  Anyway its so many emotions, fear over the travel, nerves of meeting my new 13 year old daughter for the first time, excitement, sadness leaving my others home........Its like 9 months of pregnancy rolled into 2 weeks :)  I had the sick stomach, nerves, hormones, tears, happy/sad moments.......yep its a girl!! I will post about the trip as I go!

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