Monday, January 4, 2010

Some products make me think....

I just saw a product for sale that promised to make my toddler love reading....

Here is some advice from a mom of 7 who love to read and with a degree in education....ready.... if you want your kids to read and love reading..READ TO THEM and take them to the library. Get excited about going as much as when you are taking them to any fun activity. Talk it up as much as we talk up sports. Also my way is very frugal :)

While I am on the subject, the best way to teach your children self control and imagination is not through the latest team or class or toy....let them be bored! Kids who are bored will learn how to entertain themselves by using their imagination. Let them have plenty of free time without you dictating what they will do or where they will go. I would love to buy a small farm just to give my kids more of an opportunity to learn on their own and discover life through being "bored"

I will step off my soapbox now......