Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I have a secret to share!!....for a price.....

I got some mail today that got me thinking. It was innocent enough, just a paper flier suggesting I attended a Christian woman's conference. It included a whole host of women speakers who apparently have some good encouraging news for me that will help my walk with God. Now I am not being cynical, I believe greatly in sermons and love hearing people speak of God. Yet as I perused the flier more and more I noticed that under all this was the fee 139 dollars if I were to share a hotel room with 4 people, 319 dollars if I choose to go it alone. That of course does not include transportation to get there, food and incidentals. Perhaps its the frugal in me.........that doesn't sit right. I feel like if these women truly feel God has given them something important to tell the world, they should do just that....tell the world. I fail to find the bible story where they rented a center and charged money to hear the people tell the good news......... I realize people need to make a living, but is this reminiscent to anyone regarding a certain bible story where people were making money in the temple and Jesus tipped the tables? If these women know something important, if they are called to inspire other women shouldn't it not be limited to those who can afford it? And on that note, 300 is hundreds of times most of the worlds yearly wages.... Is this the best way to honor God and serve others? In the name of God can that be justified? Could it not be better spent on food for the hungry, clothes for the cold or bibles for the weary? But then again what do I know.....I haven't attended :)