Monday, May 13, 2013

Doing Nothing

Sometimes I fall into the pit of thinking I am not doing much. I feel like maybe I should get a job, get a hobby or clean the house more.  Perhaps its because I tend to answer emails within minutes of receiving them and always have my facebook up.  This weekend for Mothers Day my awesome husband gave me the weekend off.  He did the cleaning, cooking, and answering the 10000 can I questions from the kids.  I literally got to do nothing!  I slept in both days, and it was quite lovely.  As I sat and truly spent hours just relaxing, I saw all my husband was doing.  I saw just how many times he would sit and then someone would need something and he would get up.  I saw just how long putting together dinner takes for this crew!  Randomly the other day I also realized that every night I make dinner I make enough for a "dinner party" according to websites and cookbooks, but that is beside the point.  I also saw that familiar tired face as dinner ended and showers began.  It made me realize that I definitely don't "do nothing" category, but more I realized that I must love it to make it not seem like work.  In fact I was so refreshed this morning and ready to jump back in that I got a lot accomplished.  Hmmm so maybe I am doing just what God wanted for me in this season, maybe  I can rest in the fact that I might... just might, be doing something right!

Adoption Update:  Still waiting on our court date, hoping to hear soon!  I am so excited to bring Rosie home!

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