Monday, October 26, 2020

Righteous in whose eyes?

I am going to say that while I do love a good competition, I can't say I love political competition.  Especially during 2020 when everything is already topsy turvy.  However something I have come to be thankful for is the idea the Bible gives us that God cares for our heart and intention much more then our actions.  I think even without the Bible we can as humans understand intention, the idea that a beggar steals bread is far different then an entitled person who can afford it stealing it.  We even have things like "justifiable murder" the idea is not foreign.  From Abraham to David to Rahab to Judas to Peter to Paul....none were absent of sin.  God called Abraham faithful even though he was a liar, however in the moment the lie was to protect, David was a man after God's own heart even though he stole another mans wife and arranged his murder.  Rahab was a prostitute, however t probably wasn't all she wanted to be, Judas lied and stole right in the presences of Jesus, Peter was prone to be violent when angered and cut off the ear of a guard to protect Jesus and Paul admits I do what I don't want to do.....  The Pharisees were doing all the right things, but Jesus himself said they were dirty on the inside, their intentions were no good.  So where am I going with this..  Its simple I can rest in the idea that I don't know what political future the US holds or the world for that matter, I can rest that regardless of who wins Jesus is control and has appointed them for a "time such as this"  I can vote based on my heart and intentions because God knows them.  He knows deep down how I long for everyone to be loved and cared for. He knows when I pick a side on a social topic if my heart is in it out of love for those people, true biblical love or if he calls me out because I am looking to feel better about myself.  I also can be confident that he knows the hearts of everyone around me.  So those who I know their heart do not have to agree with every political stance I take, we might be serving different parts of God's people...I can love them because I know God knows their heart and we as Christians need to show love and mercy above all else to one another.  Trusting in the belief we serve one God.  So even if on an issue it turns out I was wrong....perhaps I even sinned...God knew my heart and what I was trying to do and he will call me righteous. None of us will live truly righteous lives and while we strive to be more like our Creator, we must have grace for those around us.  We are called to introduce them to Christ and live our lives as an example, we are not called to "fix" or "shame" others.  If we believe God an introduction to something so incredible will change the heart of the man or woman and they will become whoever God has created them to be.

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