Thursday, June 6, 2013

Easiest labor, longest pregnancy!

Tonight as I sleep half way across the world a courageous 13 year old young lady will tell a court she would like to be adopted.  Then all of the culmination of paperwork and visits and many, many fingerprint and doctor appointments collected over the past 15 months will be given to the court and in those few moments a family will be created.  A girl who has not had the love of family will be forever joined after many years of waiting.  A family with an empty bed will fill it with a child they will love always and forever.  I remember 15 years ago becoming a mother and seeing my oldest daughter come into the world and all the anticipation and nerves bundled and my heart swelled.  Now it swells again as my 8th child, Rosie joins our world in paper.  If you haven't yet guessed, our court date is tomorrow!!! In a few weeks we will be united!!!!!!!!!  Please pray everything goes smoothly!


  1. Oh Emily! I'm celebrating here in the Ukraine!!!! WOO HOO!!!! Doing the happy dance!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!

  2. I'm waiting to hear! Anxiously....

  3. So our we our agency here in the US hasn't heard anything about it yet! :) Praying you are heading home soon with your sweet boy!
