Sunday, February 23, 2014

Music as intercession

Today as I was singing at church a thought struck me.  I love to sing, I love music, it just makes me happy.  I began to think about what we were singing and how sometimes the music is speaking to my situation at the moment.  I am a visual person, so often I tend to visualize things in my head as I sing.  Sometimes its a song of thankfulness and I run though pictures in my mind of things to be thankful for.  Sometimes its about Jesus himself and who he is and I picture him standing there in an open field.  However to be honest, sometimes I just sing and as Kip from Napoleon Dynamite said... "nothing comes to mind at the moment".  Today I was having one of those moments.  As I was singing one song I began to think how powerful those words would be to someone in prison for their faith, and so I pictured in my mind that person, and I sang as an intercessory prayer for them.  Another song came and I thought about the drug addict who has hit rock bottom and I pictured her and I sang as a prayer over her.  It was a pretty moving experience.  I have had times where I have been somewhere and an image of a person in distress has popped into my mind and I feel like I must stop where I am and pray for that person.  These are people I have never seen!  Anyway kinda kooky but a new perspective I learned about today :)

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